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Idolatry is a form of obsessive worship.  I suppose I fall into this category when it comes to photography, the object being the obsession with seeing.  To my eyes, when in the throes of my personal idolatry, every moment is a photograph to be made.   At the moment, it’s not happening for me.  I have been carrying this Leica around for the better part of a week with a spooled roll of Acros, and I haven’t pressed the shutter even once!

I truly believe I am at a crossroad with photography.  I want more.  I am  paralyzed from being unable to come to grips with that “more” is.   I think it comes partially from trying to get my arms around a very personal and emotional photography project.  I hope it to be an expression of a very difficult experience and the habit of avoidance and fear of it is vexing.

If Isabel Curdes reads this, I ask for patience.  I have the map of thoughts and suggestions you prepared for me in my camera bag, always.  I will be taking a peaceful trip in a few weeks and with that time I hope to gain clarity on all of it, giving me the ability to proceed.


My idle-ized M6.


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